Membership Benefits
NSFGA membership gives you as a grower, packer, or processor the following benefits:
A voice in the industry.
The opportunity to contribute to the common good of the industry, to its growth and to the economic sustainability of tree fruit production, packing and processing in NS and nationally.
The right to audit all NSFGA Board meetings and to receive Board Notes.
The opportunity to become an NSFGA Board or Committee member.
The right to receive a copy of the NSFGA Newsletters, the Annual Report and technical publications.
The right to attend and participate in all NSFGA workshops, education & technology transfer sessions, conferences, Annual General Meetings, Annual Conventions, orchard tours, and association events.
Membership Benefits
Industry Advocate
Research & Innovation
Technology Transfer & Education
Funding & Programs
Tree Fruit Promotion and Agricultural Awareness
Issues Management and Monitoring
Membership Forms
An NSFGA Grower Member is a NS individual, partnership, or corporation engaged in the growing of tree fruit (apples, pears, plums, peaches, cherries) earning a minimum annual gross revenue of $10,000 from the production of tree fruit.
Email for a grower membership form if interested.
An NSFG Associate Member is any individual or organization interested in supporting the development of the NS tree fruit industry (apples, pears, peaches, plums, cherries).
Email for an associate membership form if interested.