Message from the President - COVID-19

To Nova Scotia Fruit Growers Association members, 
You are all probably tired of e-mails regarding Covid-19 and the circumstances surrounding it. So I will be brief.  I encourage you to read the information that is coming from CHC and FARMS thoroughly if you haven’t already done so. There is a lot of information in these emails and some of the answers to questions may be buried in the document. I know I have had to reread several emails a few times.

There is no denying that we are living in historical times. I heard a great quote this morning. “We either allow life to happen to us or we happen to life.” Change can be difficult to embrace at times. So if it’s possible, try something new, finish that project that’s been on hold. Check in on your family, friends, and neighbours. The world is on rest mode. So might as well join in where we can.

If there are struggles or questions you have, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We will get through this and be stronger because of it. The theme of our last annual convention was “ Resilience “!  As fruit growers--we definitely are Resilient!

All the Best Peter Eisses

For more information on COVID-19, the Canadian Federation of Agriculture has developed an excellent COVID-19 webpage citing several resources and updates for farmers.


Changes to Pesticide Certification during COVID-19


2020 Spring Workshop Cancelled