Growing Good Growers Tailgate Event

Are you looking for an informal event tailored toward new growers, where you can feel free to ask questions and chat with others? Then you are invited to the NSFGA's next "Growing Good Growers" tailgate event.

Thursday March 24th at 10:00am
Stirling Mountainside Farms, 261 Bains Rd, Centreville

The topic will be pruning non-bearing trees in a high density system. Varieties will be Honeycrisp and Ambrosia. This will be a great follow up to the last session where the same topic was discussed but on bearing trees. Coffee and treats will be available.

Reminder that all are welcome to attend these events, and that they are intended to be informal and inform new and less experienced growers on the topics at hand.

Question, discussions and different viewpoints are welcome! Please RSVP to if you plan to attend.


Register for Spring Workshop: starts tomorrow


Save the Date: Spring Workshop