Celebrate Apple Blossom with us!

The Nova Scotia Fruit Growers' Association is proud to play an active role in the Apple Blossom Festival in its 88th year. We are putting a Blosi Orchard Platform as a float in the Grand Street Parade, and doing an "Apple Drop Giveaway" at the "Carnival for Kids" on Saturday May 28th from 11:00AM- 1:00PM to raise money for the Farm-to-School Snack Program here in the Annapolis Valley.

We are also hosting three "Orchard Bloom Walks" to celebrate in conjunction with the Apple Blossom Festival.

May 25th, 2:00pm: Noggins Corner Farm (Greenwich)
May 26th, 2:00pm: Lutz Family Farm (Rockland)
May 27th, 2:00pm: Willowbank U-Pick Farm (Port Williams)

Email contact@nsapples.com or call/text 902-698-2290 to reserve your spot and get further details and directions!


Summer Orchard Tour Schedule: August 11th, 2022


Planning for 2023 Annual Convention is underway